Saturday 10 August 2013

Move over Ebony!

Dear Reader, this is just a pause…

I have been reading Ebony since my teenage years and have been until I discovered New African Woman!
Growing up in France, there were not many magazines that a young black woman could associate with until my big sister started to work for Johnson & Johnson selling fashion Fair products and bringing us Ebony which she got from work.

We somehow started to look to that magazine as one for us people of colour in a Western World and with ambition. America wasn’t Europe and you’d be hard pushed to find opportunities for your ambitions to become reality.
We admired the people in that Magazine because though we did not have their opportunities we could surely dream of what we could become in the western world …if only. For that reason, I have continued to read Ebony until now… until I discovered a magazine which is much closer to home, and portraying African (I’d say Afro-Caribbean) women/people making it happen at home and in the West. Whether born in Africa or Europe, or even in America, those woman are making thing happen.
In this magazine, Africa is portrayed in a positive way with inspiring people who are telling us that our dreams can come true if we worked hard at it. The Africans portrayed are telling us that, “now that you are educated and can no longer blame racism, get up GO GET IT and start helping others that need a leg up back home (where you or your parents were born)…!” I can identify with that and the content of this magazine.

If you are a young woman with your roots in Africa, I highly recommend this magazine because since I started reading it I am impressed by the finish product and proud that the people portrayed in it are people that I might tomorrow want to imitate, people I would want my little sisters, nieces or daughters to imitate.
If you have not yet purchase a copy, give it try as soon as you can. The Mag is called New African Woman and it is published in the UK. You will find it near Ebony and Pride mags… If you are reading from France, USS or Russia the magazine can be ordered for overseas delivery.

On more thing! New African Magazine published my recipes over 4pages in their June/July 2013 issue… see the link here
If you are in the USA, can you imagine Ebony (Johnson & Johnson) publishing your recipes over 4 pages?
Well, that how it felt. I am grateful for that.
To read the 40Day lent journey, please click or copy the link below.

Thank you for reading. Next week, back for the normal recipes posts.

Lots of Love. Nash

1 comment:

  1. Go Nash! I couldn't agree more- New African Woman magazine is inspiring and a great example for young women of colour x
